When you are done, save changes.
Theme design options let you control different design settings across the site. You can reach it via Appearance>Customize menu in the backend editor or by clicking on the 'Customize' link on the top black admin bar in the frontend. Options are divided by meaning and are represented by several tabs. Let's take a closer look at them.
Here you can upload the logo and add logo text and description, fill in Site title and Tagline fields and set the site icon by clicking on the 'Select Image' button.
Here you can choose the background color for your site or change Primary/Secondary Accent Color
Note: the changes will be applied to the whole site, but easily can be changed for the individual page in internal page settings.
To create a menu follow the next steps:
Under Widgets tab you can organize footer area using given widgets.
If you need to set/change home page on your site, go to Customize > 'Homepage settings' tab. There are two options:
Once you have activated 'A static page' option you can see another dropdown list called 'Posts page'. This option is required to enable posts page in default WordPress themes. In Olympus it is not required, so you can leave this field empty.
Once you are ready, hit the 'Publish' button.
Under Customize>Typography you can set up the styles for
Select what type of content you want to customize and set up:
Footer options provide a set of options to configure the footer design.
Here you can change the color for the social header bar and change the title/icon/background color.
Header options control the look of your site header section. They allow controlling the following options:
The stunning header is an area between page header and content, which contains page title, breadcrumb, and additional text. So these options allow you to control the appearance of the page title section - adjust the stunning header height, background color/image, animated background, bottom image, text color etc.
Put additional JavaSript codes into the field.
NOTE: scripts are added without tag <script>
In Woocommerce options section you can configure settings for the main shop page. Before configuring these options you have to install Woocommerce plugin and set up all Woocommerce pages and settings according to official Woocommerce documentation. More detailed about Woocommerce options you can find in Woocommerce Shop documentation section.
This field is available for your styling customizations. Add your custom CSS codes below the field description
NOTE, if one of the codes is not correct, the other following codes will not apply. If you make a mistake in a code you will see the notice on the top, like this:
Theme Options Panel is a set of options that allow you to configure the general options, header and footer sections, blog options, components visibility for the top panel, fixed left sidebar etc. Log in your site and find theme options panel at the bottom of the left admin panel.
All options are sorted by meaning and divided into tabs:
Header options control the look of your site header section.
GENERAL tab lets you to:
The STUNNING tab allows to configure the next settings:
Under General tab are gathered all the general options of the theme.
Blog options allow controlling default settings of the single post item and blog page.
General tab
Sort panel tab
* Panel with Ajax Filter options allows controlling additional options: show or hide reactions, categories, sorting options and search box on this panel.
Post elements tab - allows you to control the look of your blog page, namely enabling/disabling such as elements: categories labels, meta info, reactions, excerpts.
Single Post Elements tab
Top panel tab
Olympus comes with top bar options. You can control the elements of your top bar like title, search, friends requests, messages, notifications, user menu. These settings will be applied to the entire site.
Fixed left panel tab
Enable Left Menu Panel - this option allows adding side menu to your site. In order to display it, you need to add the desired menu in Menu settings for "Fixed left panel" menu location.
Footer options provide a set of options to configure the look of the footer section. There are 3 tabs with options
"Scroll to top" tab
Theme Options Panel is a set of options that allow you to configure the general options, header and footer sections, blog options, components visibility for the top panel, fixed left sidebar etc. Log in your site and find theme options panel at the bottom of the left admin panel.
All options are sorted by meaning and divided into tabs:
Under General tab are gathered all the general options of the theme.
Header options control the look of your site header section.
GENERAL tab lets you to:
The STUNNING tab allows to configure the next settings:
Top panel tab
Olympus comes with top bar options. You can control the elements of your top bar like title, search, friends requests, messages, notifications, user menu. These settings will be applied to the entire site.
Fixed left panel tab
Enable Left Menu Panel - this option allows adding side menu to your site. In order to display it, you need to add the desired menu in Menu settings for "Fixed left panel" menu location.
The main page builder in the theme is integrated WP Bakery Page Builder. You can edit imported pages with your own content and create new ones using available modules of the editor.
It provides backend and frontend editors. You can use one that is more convenient for you.
To start editing with Backend Editor you need to:
Start adding elements to your page. You can do it in two ways:
All elements are divided into tabs by functionality and have small thumbnails above titles to demonstrate their role in the theme.
Apart from the standard shortcodes available in the page builder, there are other exclusive modules integrated into the plugin. You can find all of them under Crumina modules tab.
Each element has a lot of customization option that is also divided into 2 tabs:
You can also put a row inside another row. It is a good solution if your row will include several columns and you want to put a background color/image to the entire row. For this simply add a new row by clicking on a PLUS icon
select Row element from the elements list
click on the PLUS icon of the added row
and select Row element once again
You will get row inside another row.
Now you can split the inner row into columns, if needed, and add elements to them.
Each section has a number of options that you can customize the way you want. Click on the 'PENCIL' icon on the top right corner of the section box to open row settings.
The row settings are:
Rows Management
Also, there are some options allowing to manage sections on the page according to your needs. They are:
Rows reorder - allows you to reorder rows on the page: hold the 'CURSOR MOVE' icon with the left mouse and move the row to the target location on the page.
CColumns number - you can change a number of columns in the row whenever you want.
Custom layout - you can set custom layout for the row - change particular row layout manually by specifying the number of columns and their size value. The total fraction result must be 1.
Add a column - click on "plus" icon in order to add a new column
Clone the row - you can copy/clone created row and elements and paste them to any place in the editor.
In order to adjust column settings, click on "PENCIL" icon
The page is created under Pages->Add New tab. Create a new page, enter the title and begin adding content.
Content can be added via:
In the 'Customize elements' box you can customize the following options:
Let's consider these tabs in more details:
Background Color - Click the Select color button. You can either enter a hexadecimal number (e.g. d33131) representing the color to be displayed as the background of your theme or from the color picker.
Background image - select an image to use it as a background of your theme. If you add a background image you will get some more options:
NOTE: if you toggle to "No" - general settings will be applied, they are controlled from Customize -> Header Stunning options.
You can control display and position of the sidebar on the page in the 'Sidebar Picker' box.
The options are:
NOTE: If you choose Right sidebar or Left sidebar, you can also specify which if the existing sidebars to show.
After you have done with settings, press the "Publish" button in order to save the changes:
To create a blog page that will display all your blog posts go to admin panel Pages and click Add new.
Give a title to your page and after that choose Blog in Page Attributes>Template
If you want any content displaying before your posts you can put it into Visual/Text editor or add it with WPBakery Page Builder.
Now you can adjust your page design and blog settings.
Page styles
If you add a background image you will get some more options:
Background Position - allow the image to be positioned Left, Center, Right
Background size - choose the desired size for the background image: initial, auto, cover, contain, inherit
Background repeat - choose the needed parameter to determine if the image is repeated. Available options: repeat, repeat x/y, no repeat, round, inherit
Background Attachment - to Scroll background, display as Fixed, local or inherit.
Blog options- is a set of options that allow you to configure a blog page.
Sorting panel
Stunning header
Note: you can keep blog and page options by default as well and they will be applied from Theme settings panel. Make sure, internal page settings have priority over General Theme Settings
Olympus WordPress theme offers three beautiful styles for a single blog post. Each of them differs in design, placing post elements such as reactions, share post buttons, featured images or the existence of sidebar. Let us look at each of three variants of post style:
You can control your post style with 'Post Format' option. Utouch theme supports most common WordPress post formats, you can read about them here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats
To choose of what format will be your post, just select desired one from the radio-button list and start filling the content:
Let's overview all post formats represented in the theme:
Use it to create a simple post with regular style. It is default post format and no ordinary options required.
Displays video player on your blog and post page.
Just add the link to YouTube or Vimeo video in appeared Video post options:
Displays audio player on your blog /category/ post page.
Enter link for audio that will be embedded
Displays a quote block on a blog archive page.
Add a quote in a visual/text editor and fill in the fields appeared after quote post activation
Allows showing post linked to another page/site.
To create link post, add the text you want to be displayed on the blog into the text editor and wrap it with the link
To create a single post you have to:
6. If needed you may also fill in additional fields on the right:
If you add a background image you will get some more options:
Background Position - allow the image to be positioned Left, Center, Right
To add and style your content in sidebars and footer you can use widgets. Go to Appearance>Widgets.
For example, in order to add the widget - find the needed widget, click on it and choose the area you want to place this widget.
After that, adjust the widget settings.
Using Form Builder extension adds the possibility to create a form with unlimited fields and display them on every page.
To create a new form go to Forms>Add new and type in the title of your form. The title is displayed only on the backend and is needed only for easier navigation through your forms.
Begin adding fields by using elements represented under Form fields tab. Just use the drag & drop form builder to create any form you’ll ever want or need.
Once you have added a field, click on it one time to open the settings window. Each field type has its own settings. Configure each field and press "Save" button.
You can create almost any form layout you need. Control fields width with the arrows on the top left corner of the field.
On the top of the form, you can enter title and subtitle. They will be displayed on the frontend before the form.
As soon as the form is ready, switch to the Settings tab to set up email and form messages.
Under Settings>Mailer you can set up send method and test connection by sending a test message. You can also fill in the "From Name" and "From Address" fields, that will be displayed in all received emails.
You can add contact forms on pages with Form module of WPBakery Page Builder editor.
Opening the module settings, you can choose the needed form from the drop-down list, adjust the text on submit and set the color for the button.
When you are done, save changes.
After activating the theme, a notice will appear letting you know that you need to install BuddyPress and bbPress.
After you have installed Buddypress, go to WP Admin -> Settings -> BuddyPress to make specific settings.
BuddyPress comes with several useful components, each of them has a unique purpose. You can selectively enable any of the components by using the "Component" tab.
Depending on how you want your community to operate, you can select from as many as you want from the following:
BuddyPress requires setting up some pages to function properly. You need to map each of BuddyPress components to your site pages. If you haven't created the pages to assign to Buddypress components then go to Pages menu and add them and come back to assign it.
Clicking the rtMedia tab will redirect you to plugin`s settings. This plugin adds missing media rich features like photos, videos and audio uploading to BuddyPress which are essential if you are building a social network.
I general, these settings help to fine tune the integration of rtMedia with BuddyPress.
bbPress is forum software from the creators of WordPress. Easily setup discussion forums inside your WordPress.org powered site.
For bbPress settings go to WP Admin -> Settings -> Forums.
Olympus theme is integrated with The Events Calendar plugin, that allows users to create an events calendar and manage it with ease.
Once the plugin is installed and activated you're going to want to create some events.
Just as with a page or post, you can add a title and description to your event. The expected controls for saving it as a draft or publishing it are present, too:
Of course, events have specific bits of information associated with them that most pages and posts don’t require – start and end dates, for instance, not to mention venues and organizers.
Fields to set all of these things can be found below the description editor, in an area called the events meta box:
It’s also worth noting that you don’t need to create (or use) a venue. If you prefer not to specify a venue, simply move on to the next section.
Provide a name for the venue and any optional address details – if you like – a contact phone number and website.
Here you can provide organizer details and, if you do, you need only provide as much information as you want to.
The next section in the New Event Admin lets you (again, optionally) provide an event website:
This is particularly useful if you are showcasing events organized by external organizations and they have a dedicated event website.
Once again you can pass on by and leave these alone if you like. If you don’t provide a cost, then no cost details will be shown to visitors. If the event is actually free then simply provide a cost of 0 (zero).
On the right side panel you can find some event options:
When you have done with settings, hit the "Publish" button.