Whatsapp help and support WordPress plugin

Thank you for purchasing Whatsapp chat support plugin

  • Created: 11 January, 2023
  • Update:14 June, 2023

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Profile contact form or item's support page.

We are available for freelance work for any HTML, React, NextJS, WordPress projects.
Write us at themeatelierbd@gmail.com and will reply to you within 24 hours.


Follow the steps below to setup the Click to mail in your project

  • Got to your wordpress dashboard. Go to add plugins options from the dahboard and upload whatsapp-chat-support-pro.zip file. Then install and active the plugin.

Get Start

Now follow this instruction step by step to

  • After activation you will see Whatsapp chat support menu in your WordPress dashboard sidebar. If you click on that menu you will see all easy to manageable options we provided. At first you will see 2 switcher button for single user bubble and multi user bubble. Select the option you want to use and change the settings as you need.
  • Buttons shrtcodes In this section you will able to see 2 different button layouts shortcodes. Select button and copy shortcode for using it anywhere you want.
  • Backup If you buy extended licence you may planning to use it in multiple websites. right? If you need same settings every website you just need to copy/down exprt code and import it in your desigere website.
  • Whatsapp chat support elementor widget We provide elementor widget for buttons. So if you are elementor user check your widget list for using button as block anywhere in your website eaily.


Single chat:

Multiple agent:

Buttons shortcode:

Buttons advance elementor:

Buttons basic elementor:


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Item Support Page

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our template like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

Don’t forget to Rate this template

Please Add your Review (Opinion) for Our template. It would be a great support for us.
Go to your Themeforest Profile > Downloads Tab > & then You can Rate & Review for our template.
Thank You.

We are available for freelance work for any HTML, React, NextJS, WordPress projects.
Write us at themeatelierbd@gmail.com and will reply to you within 24 hours.